In the hour and fifteen minutes since I put him to bed he has come out of his room about every five minutes...
1. to pee
2. to get some more water
3. to pee
4. to pee
5. to poop
6. to poop
So, while waiting for the next time he comes out of his room, I've done a little tidying up there. But I'm about at my wits end with this whole process.
In the meantime, the downstairs has toys strewn everywhere and dishes are piled around the sink. I started to sweep and got about half done before I had to run upstairs again. Also, the dog is waiting for me to take her out. Not so patiently, I might add. But now it's dark and I just want to go to bed myself. I'm just hoping that my patience and persistence might pay off some day soon and the child will just go to bed and stay there.
Um. Can you come over to my house and clean MY upstairs now? ;)