Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chopsticks & Invisible Skeletons

A few weeks ago, after I put Casey in bed, she came out and yelled down from her room.  "Mommy!  Do you have any chopsticks?"

Since I was in the kitchen, I wasn't sure I had heard her correctly.  "What do you want?"

She said, "Do you have any chopsticks?"

I was a little puzzled at this point so I decide to ask her why she needs them.  "What do you need them for?"

She replies, "For my lips hurt."

" want chapstick!  I'll bring some right up.  That's chapstick, not chopsticks!"


A few weeks ago, I noticed that Casey's laundry basket was filled with all of Jack's clothes too, so I asked her why all of his clothes were in her laundry basket.  She simply said, "Because he has an invisible skeleton under his bed."

Yes, right, the invisible skeleton.

It was funny to hear Casey say it in such a matter of fact way, but I wasn't confused when she mentioned the skeleton.  I had heard about this invisible skeleton.  It caused some bedtime stalling one night.

Jack can't tell me how he knows that it's there, but he knows it is.  He would believe nothing I said about this skeleton.  I told him there really wasn't one there.  I told him if it was there it wouldn't bother him.  I told him invisible skeletons are really quiet.  Finally I told him there was an invisible ninja under his bed and it would protect him from the invisible skeleton.  That seemed to do the trick for that night.

Apparently the invisible skeleton has not been dislodged from under Jack's bed.  It no longer causes night time issues.  However, I asked Jack why he was getting dressed in the hallway a few days ago.  He said, "Because there's an invisible skeleton in my room."

Obviously.  Silly question Mommy.

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