Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Casey's 2nd Birthday

Today Casey turned 2! It was a pretty low key day for her, but she got some presents and she was happy. We had a birthday party for her on Saturday and that involved a lot more kids, a lot more square footage covered in toys and a lot more cupcakes. We still have leftover cupcakes but we didn't even have any today. Just a little bite of a chocolate dog leftover from Valentine's Day.

On Saturday, there were 10 kids and 15 or so adults here for Casey's party. For the first half of it, she needed to be held by me. It was a little harder to get the food out, but she was the birthday girl, so I obliged. Finally, she decided it was time to play and I didn't see much of her after that. The kids were running around from upstairs to downstairs. I'm pretty sure all the toys that I moved upstairs over the last week ended up downstairs again. Not that it mattered where the toys were, but it would have saved me a few trips upstairs while trying to evenly divide toys between the upper and lower play areas. (Maybe that's a little OCD in the first place.)

We had macaroni & cheese, pulled pork, coleslaw and sweet potato fries for dinner and then on to the cupcakes. After much deliberation, I decided on an Elmo theme for they party and made Elmo cupcakes. I searched 3 or 4 stores for some kind of orange candy to use as Elmo's nose and finally settled on peach rings because they were the only orange candy that I could find. Not two days after the party, I went shopping at Walmart and of course there was a whole bag of orange candy (orange colored chocolate covered peaches??) mocking me.

Pat took Jack and Casey out to Kangaroo Jack's and dinner on Friday night while I decorated and baked and slow-cooked. Then he took them out Saturday morning so I could finish the decorating, baking and slow-cooking and dip making. And then, he took them out to breakfast on Sunday morning so I could sleep in. He definitely wins the gold medal the husband/father category for the weekend.

Anyway, Casey enjoyed her Elmo cupcake and we had a great birthday party. We're glad all our friends could come celebrate with us. Here are a few pictures...

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