Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chopsticks & Invisible Skeletons

A few weeks ago, after I put Casey in bed, she came out and yelled down from her room.  "Mommy!  Do you have any chopsticks?"

Since I was in the kitchen, I wasn't sure I had heard her correctly.  "What do you want?"

She said, "Do you have any chopsticks?"

I was a little puzzled at this point so I decide to ask her why she needs them.  "What do you need them for?"

She replies, "For my lips hurt."

" want chapstick!  I'll bring some right up.  That's chapstick, not chopsticks!"


A few weeks ago, I noticed that Casey's laundry basket was filled with all of Jack's clothes too, so I asked her why all of his clothes were in her laundry basket.  She simply said, "Because he has an invisible skeleton under his bed."

Yes, right, the invisible skeleton.

It was funny to hear Casey say it in such a matter of fact way, but I wasn't confused when she mentioned the skeleton.  I had heard about this invisible skeleton.  It caused some bedtime stalling one night.

Jack can't tell me how he knows that it's there, but he knows it is.  He would believe nothing I said about this skeleton.  I told him there really wasn't one there.  I told him if it was there it wouldn't bother him.  I told him invisible skeletons are really quiet.  Finally I told him there was an invisible ninja under his bed and it would protect him from the invisible skeleton.  That seemed to do the trick for that night.

Apparently the invisible skeleton has not been dislodged from under Jack's bed.  It no longer causes night time issues.  However, I asked Jack why he was getting dressed in the hallway a few days ago.  He said, "Because there's an invisible skeleton in my room."

Obviously.  Silly question Mommy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


While Casey was at dance today, Jack and I had a few minutes alone together in the car.  I guess we were in between movies because he was very chatty...

Jack:  Mommy, Chinese Skittles have a very different package from regular ones.

Me: What?  Where did you get Chinese Skittles?
(I'm very confused...I'm wondering if regular skittles say Made in China on them or something.)

Jack:  At school.

Me:  Where did they come from?  Did Mrs. S bring them into class?

Jack:  No, A brought them in.

Me:  Does she have Chinese family?  Where did she get them?

Jack:  I don't know.  I guess she got them from her family.  But the bag is very different.  The only thing Mrs. S could read on it was Skittles.

Me:  Did you try one?  Are they the same?

Jack:  They are.  Even the S is the same on them.

And there you have it.  The only thing different is the bag.  But it's very exciting to a 1st grader.  And a little confusing for the 1st grader's mother but I feel a little more cultured after all that.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Eve

***This is a rather abrupt jump back into blogging, but I just need to write when I feel like it.  Hopefully there will be more to come.***

This boy.  He came home and he was very grumpy about doing his homework.  He chose to work on a math program on the computer called IXL and he had to do 20 minutes of it.  He wanted to be done at about 15 minutes.  He tried to out-grump me and then finally sat down to finish it up.  When he was done he ran off to play.

Then I decided it was time to turn the heat on.  I don't know why I resist this so much.  I have been cold for a couple weeks.  I like to see how long I can go without heat.  And yet the whole time I resist it all I want to do is get in my bed because it's warm there.  It's not very productive.

I went upstairs to set the program for the heat and Jack says, "Look Mommy.  It's Romney and Obama!  I have the O for Obama and the M for Mitt Romney."  He shows me a Lego creation he has been working on.  It amazed me that he had come up with an idea to build an election scene with his Legos.  I ran to get my camera while was on a search for coffee cups so they would both have one.

I love his creation.  He went on to tell me that people are voting tomorrow and that "both Romney and Obama were born in the 19s!"  I told him I was born in the 19s too.  The one on the left is Obama because he has flatter hair more like the real Obama's.  I guess that left Romney with a beard and mustache.  I think it looks good on him.

Then he created them each on their own stages.  The red loose pieces are the curtains.  I tried to get him to use blue curtains for Obama but he wasn't quite grasping the red and blue and different political parties.  "Parties?  What are you talking about?"

I asked him who he would vote for.  He said Romney and when I asked him why, he said he didn't think Obama had done a very good job of running the country.  He must catch bits and pieces of conservative talk radio in the car when he's not watching Batman or Star Wars.

Later he asked Casey who she was going to vote for.  She said, "Is there someone that begins with O?  I want to vote for him."

"Obama?  You're only saying that because you don't know anyone else," Jack claimed.

Casey retorted with, "No, really, that's who I'd vote for.  I like Obama."

Jack also came up with a "fun game" wherein he and Casey both run for president and I have to vote and pick the president.  But after his two terms I would get to be president again.

And just before he ran off to play again, he said, "I can't wait for election day tomorrow. I don't even know why I like election day so much."